Sunday, February 1, 2015

Confessions of a List Maker

I am a list maker. I make lists to remind myself to make lists. There is always a pen and scrap of paper within reach just so I can jot a reminder down. I experience a unique sense of euphoria each and every time I cross something off one of the lists. 

There are multiple active lists in a variety of places; on my desk, in the car and on my person; in one pocket or another. There are the grocery lists, the packing lists, and the to-do lists. There are also the laundry lists; which in my case are the damp clumps of paper pulled from washing machine; you know, those lists shoved in a pocket that were not removed before starting the wash cycle.

Then, of course, there are the virtual lists. The email contacts, the Facebook friend lists categorized accordingly - close friends, family, acquaintances, pages, etc., the Google circles and the Twitter followers. Even my online calendar is set to pop up on my smart phone in the list-like agenda format.

Now that I have gotten this off my chest, I can cross it off my list.

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