Monday, September 1, 2014

On this Labor Day

“There is no labor a person does that is undignified -- if they do it right.” ~ Bill Cosby

Mr. Cosby gets it. Unfortunately, most of us fail to. On this, the 120th Anniversary of Labor Day many Americans still go out of their way to cast aspersions upon those who work in industries considered to be undignified. 

All too often we find ourselves looking down our noses at those who serve us our meals, clean our hotels rooms and offices, or pick up our trash at the curb. What makes us any better than they are?  

As a product of the Baby Boom, it was instilled in me to go on to college or I would end up being nothing more than a ditch digger or, heaven forbid, a wife and mother.  It wasn't until my later years, that I realized how asinine this phrase was.  Whether you are a ditch digger, garbage collector, CEO, housekeeper and, yes, wife and mother; these are all honorable professions.

Granted, some may be more financially rewarding than others; but when did we allow financial rewards to trump all else?  We need to instill in our children that as long as they enjoy what they are doing and do it well, there is nothing undignified about the profession they choose. 

As we celebrate this day, take a moment an reflect upon how you interact with those who may not be what we normally would consider the "Captains of Industry". Those who are working on this day while you are enjoying your BBQ's, parades and fireworks. Remember, their job is just as dignified as yours.